Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Unstoppable eyeliner pencil from maybelline

Posted by Unknown at 23.27 2 comments
This review is my honest opinion which can be different with other people opinion. 

Maybelline is a nice brand.agree? Yes !  
I love maybelline because the price is 
good so do the products.
I use their mascara , blushon , BB cream and now I bought an eyeliner .
This is my first eyeliner from maybelline and so sorry to say , it's dissapointing. 

I bought this eyeliner pencil for my waterline and As an eyeliner for the waterline , from 1-5 , 0 . 
for the eyelid? 1.5 , (+) pigmented , (-) smudge , (-)easily fading or we can say that it really doesn't last long. =D

The reason I decided to buy this eyeliner is because maybelline claims this eyeliner are stayput, smudge-proof and waterproof
,  But it definitely is not. Tet-tot

The fact, This "water-proof" eyeliner doesn't even stay on my eyes, and the "smudge-proof" ?? This eyeliner smudges like crazy and the Staying 
power is bad . 
At first, I confused, is it just me? By the way, FYI I'm not alone who feel that this product is terrible . Yes, I've read few nice comments about this product, but just few.

So what's good? 
The packaging is good .

I don't recommend this product. 

With <3 

Maxfactor lipfinity lasting lip tint

Posted by Unknown at 11.09 2 comments
This is my personal opinion which can be different with others.

Liptint dari maxfactor ini sangat mengecewekan pake banget.  Aku beli karena aku cari liptint yg long lasting kalau d pakai, secara namanya maxfactor LIPFINITY LASTING lip tint jadi ya percaya kalo ini longlasting apalagi ini dr brand maxfactor gitu.. Haha 
 selain itu aku beli juga karena aplikatornya mirip spidol :)
Ini pilihan warnanya 

Kekecewaan saya: 

1.warnanya ga cocok sama listnya
biasanya liptint kan warnanya pink2 gmna gt kan, buat ngasih efek imut dibibir kayak korea atau ulzang tapi sya  beli yg nomor 08 (nice and nude) karena unik aja warnanya nude. 
 Nah, ini saya juga salah sih karena saya ga cb testernya , percya aja sama mbak yg jaga dan ternyata shade yg saya beli sangat jauh berbeda dari yg ada d list 
Liat tuh, agak ke orange dan merah kan?  Sama skali ga ada nude2nya kayak d contoh. :| 

Waktu d pakaipun sama skali ga ada nude2nya juga -- jatuhnya merah. Tp aku mikirnya ya udahdeh kan se enggak2nya masih bisa dipakai .  TETAPI 

2. Tidak tahan lama
Ini nama sama kenyataannya ga match banget . liptint ini max 30menit lah tanpa makan minum , tapi 15menitan aja uda pudar banget warnanya.
Bagaimana kalo d buat minum air? GONE.. 
Nah tuh langsung ilang, nyisain stain sedikit tp ga lama juga ikut ilang 

3. Buat bibir kering 
Yap , liptint ini buat bibir kering 

4. Ada rasa yang mengganggu 
Bukan karena saya kurang kerjaan jilat2 liptint ini ato gimana loo, tpi kan saya buat minum ,nah rasa air yang aku minum itu jadi kayak obat batuk .. Eewww , pokoknya menganggu deh ada manis2 ga jelas , bukan manis enak tapi manis yg aneh. -- ( tp ini tergantung lo, mungkin ada yg suka sama rasanya wkwk)

Nah demikian review saya. 
Menurut saya sih liptint ini jadii gak ada gunanya buat saya . Wkwk

i don't recommend this product, a waste of money.
 "So dissapointing , especially when it promises a long lasting colour. " -  gillian 

With <3 

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Face it CHECK CHECK nail kit

Posted by Unknown at 01.47 0 comments
Hi beautybliss-er! :) 
Siapa nih yang suka memoles kuku? Haha .. Aku suka banget kutekan, tapi aku gak ahli sama sekali dalam hal mengutex, pasti jadinya ga rapi , so messy banget -- jadi biasanya aku manicure ke salon.
Nah atas dasar tingginya keinginan untuk berhemat  , aku memutuskan untuk belajar kutekan sendiri and it's quiet hard. Tangan kiri agak oke tapi tangan kanan amburadul -- still need a lot of practice :)

Nah, kali ini aku mau ngereview kutek face it CHECK CHECK Nail kit :). 
I got that from my auntie as my birthday present tapi baru aja aku coba2 x) 

Aku suka kemasannya 4 out of 5.. Tapi sayang kutek ini gak pigmented jadi butuh 3 layer bru warnanya keliatan, kalau cuma 1 layer warnanya ga keliatan karena masih keliatan tembus pandang sama kuku kita :)
Nah dbalik box nya ada panduan cara mengaplikasikan kuteknya, menurut aku lumayan mudah untuk diikutin tapi inget sbelum numpuk2in warna , pastikan olesan yg sebelumnya udah kering :)

Nih,hasilnya .. (Sorry berantakan :|)

Warnanya pastel dan soft banget kan? 
Oh ya kalau pakai kutek ini ga harus kayak panduannya kok , bisa kalian pake single polish dan warnanya oke kok kalau 2-3 layer :)

Where to buy? THE FACE SHOP
PRICE ? Kurang tau, karena ini hadiah hehehe

 variasi warnanya gak cuma ini aja masih ada yg lainnya kok :) 
i recommend this buat kamu2 yang suka warna2 pastel dan yg lg belajar kutekan aneh2 , karena ada panduannya yg mudah untuk diikutin :) 

With <3 

Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Wardah matte lipstick : Bronze Nude

Posted by Unknown at 06.50 5 comments
Before i review, i will show you my new t-shirt! Hahaha, i like this T-shirt , it's funny . Actually this is a couple tee, the girl wear "he's shit" and the boy will wear "she's bitch" but of course i'm not allowing my boyfriend to buy that tee. Haha *EGO* 

Hi-hi. :D
I just bought a wardah matte lipstick (15) bronze nude. :) 
I've seen a lot of good reviews about this lipstick, at first i was a bit confuse between bronze nude and nudish peach   and finally i choose this bronze nude matte lipstick. 
This is my 2nd lipstick from wardah, first is TRUE RED matte lipstick. 

I know this brand from tv commercial and  blog review from local beauty bloggers . No doubt, This brand has a good quality. From all the products, i loves wardah  lipstick collection , beautiful colors <3 .

Conclusion : this matte lipstick is pigmented and longlasting. Beautiful color. I love the matte finish, but it will look worst if we apply on a dry lips, so don't forget to scrub your lips first. 

I recommend this lipstick to all of you who loves a matte finish and have a good lips condition.

Wardah : earth, love, life :) 
With <3

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

How to? Wearable ombre lips! 👄

Posted by Unknown at 22.44 1 comments
Hi beauty bliss-er ! Long time no post. ;)  this is my first "HOW TO?" Post , hope this post helpful to you guys! 

With <3

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